On 26 November 2018 Mabon announced a mandatory public offer to the shareholders and warrantholders of Agromino. Mabon, owning 43.05 per cent of 


in shares, i.e. consideration of 7,473,810 newly issued ordinary shares in Agromino at a subscription price of SEK 18.6 per share. Transaction 

7,2-4,3 2018-12-14 15:00:00 publication of the offer document by agromino's major shareholder +0,31% | 0,21 msek 2018-12-12 18:00:00 Statement by the independent committee of Board of Directors of Agromino in relation to the public offer by Mabon -1,21% | 13,2 MSEK Köp aktien Agromino A/S (AGRO). Hos Nordnet kan du handla från 0 kr i courtage. Klicka här för att följa aktiekursen i realtid On 31 July 2019 Agromino entered into an agreement (the ”Agreement”) with the owner of Resilient a.s. (”Resilient”), who is also the major shareholder of Agromino, Mabon investiční fond s proměnným základním kapitálem a.s.

Agromino a s shareholders

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The The General Meeting of Shareholders has supreme authority in all matters and things pertaining to the Company subject to the limits set by statute and by the Articles of Association. Any share carries one vote in the General Meeting of Shareholders. Mr. Arne Lennart Björhn on 19th December 2017 acquired additional 10,000 shares in Agromino A/S and now indirectly via Försäkringsaktiebolaget Avanza Pension (Swedish organization number 516401-6775) and ALB Finansrådgivning AB (Swedish organization number 556365-1164) holds total of 881,113 shares and voting rights in Agromino A/S, corresponding to 5.06% of the total share capital and of the total voting rights of Agromino A/S. The general meeting of shareholders has supreme authority in all matters and things pertaining to the Company subject to the limits set by statute and by the Articles of Association. Each share of EUR 1.00 shall carry one (1) vote. General meetings shall be held in the Greater Copenhagen Area, the Greater Tallinn Area, the […] Here are the top five shareholders of Agromino A/S based on the size of their shareholding: Mabon investicni fond s promennym zakladnim kapitalem as Corporation Percentage owned: 74.86% (18.6m shares) Mr. Arne Lennart Björhn on 19th December 2017 acquired additional 10,000 shares in Agromino A/S and now indirectly via Försäkringsaktiebolaget Avanza Pension (Swedish organization number 516401-6775) and ALB Finansrådgivning AB (Swedish organization number 556365-1164) holds total of 881,113 shares and voting rights in Agromino A/S, corresponding to 5.06% of the total share capital and of the total voting rights of Agromino A/S. Agromino A/S (also the “Company”) announces that the Board of Directors has resolved to pursue taking appropriate actions to use the authorization in article 4d of the articles of association in order to increase the Company´s share capital by way of cash contribution in one or more rounds with a total maximum nominal amount of EUR 2,000,000 (i.e., 2 million shares, 1 EUR each) with pre-emptive rights for the existing shareholders, this to strengthen the working capital of the Company. Mr. Petr Krogman on 17 May 2017 acquired through Mabon additional 16,276,176 shares in Agromino A/S and now indirectly via Mabon (Czech Identification Number: 28904681, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, section B, insert file No. 15302) holds 96,425,086 shares and voting rights in Agromino A/S, corresponding to 5. 53% of the total share capital and of the total voting rights of Agromino A/S. 2020: AGROMINO A/S : Tomorrow (30 October 2020) is the last day of trading of Agromino's shares on Nasdaq Stockholm 2020: AGROMINO A/S : Tomorrow (30 October 2020) is the last day of trading of Agromino's shares on Nasdaq Stockholm Today, I will be analyzing Agromino A/S’s recent ownership structure, an important but not-so-popular subject among individual investors.When it comes to ownership structure of a company, the impact has been observed in both the long-and short-term performance of shares.

Jordbruksbolaget Trigon Agri byter nu namn till Agromino.

The Board of Directors hereby gives notice of the annual general meeting of Agromino A/S, CVR No. 29 80 18 43 (the “Company“) to be held on 26 April 2018, at 10

person döms att betala sanktionsavgift för marknadsmanipulation i Agromino. Really? 483 million shares traded hands this past Friday knocking 25 million dollars off Anoto's market cap. sålde Agromino A/S till kurs 0,17 SEK. Gilla Följ  Change in number of shares and votes in Anoto Group AB. 0,1 Agromino 0,2 Anoto Group -0,01 Arctic Paper -0,04 Arise Ascelia Sportamore  av S Serifi · 2019 — grundare Daniel Ek i ett uttalande att; “Spotify is not raising capital, and our shareholders and employees have been free to buy and sell our  av H Hammarstrand — Alfred Rappaport boken “Creating Shareholder.

Agromino a s shareholders

Idag, den 27 mars 2018, offentliggjorde Agromino A/S (”Bolaget”) ett AB has decided that the shares (AGRO, ISIN code DK0060823516, 

Dividends made by Agromino A/S from their annual profits to their shareholders are shown here - normally on an interim and annual basis. We list all the recent dividend announcements and dividend yields from STO:AGRO TO1 where possible. 2019-01-24 Køb Agromino A/S (AGRO) aktien. Hos Nordnet kan du handle fra 0 kr.

A director at Agromino bought 3,151,063 shares at and the significance  Agromino.
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Agromino a s shareholders

Mr. Simon Boughton, CEO of Agromino A/S, Tel: +372 6191 500, E-mail: mail@agromino.com .

Mr. Petr Krogman, Chairman of Board of Directors of Agromino A/S, E-mail: mail@agromino.com About Agromino Agromino is an integrated soft commodities production, storage and trading company with operations in Ukraine, Russia and Estonia. A shareholder's right to participate in the general meeting and the number of votes, which the shareholder is entitled to cast, is determined in accordance with the number of shares held by such shareholder on 26 August 2019 (the registration date), see article 8.4 of Agromino's articles of association.
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Köp aktien Agromino A/S (AGRO). Tomorrow (30 October 2020) is the last day of trading of Agromino's shares on Nasdaq Stockholm. 2020-10-28 02:21 · 

Please follow and like us: A shareholder’s right to participate in the general meeting and the number of votes, which the shareholder is entitled to cast, is determined in accordance with the number of shares held by such shareholder on 14 December 2020 (the registration date), see article 8.4 of the Company’s articles of association. The shares held by each shareholder are determined at the registration date on the basis of the shareholdings registered in the share register and in accordance with any notices on 10+ YEARS OF EXPERIENCE THIS IS AGROMINO Agromino is a leading Agribusiness manager.

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Agromino A/S AGROMINO: FÖRBÄTTRAT RESULTAT 1 KV STOCKHOLM (Direkt) Jordbruksbolaget Agromino, som förut hette Trigon Agri, redovisar ett resultat efter skatt på -3,2 miljoner euro för det första kvartalet 2019 (-11,0).

Venta de material de rego, sementes, bulbos, arbustos, árbores foiteiras, macetas, substratos, ferramentas xardinería On 15 October 2020, Agromino A/S (the “Company”) announced that the board of Company has applied for delisting of Agromino's shares, shortname AGRO,  Agromino A/S (STO:AGRO), an integrated soft commodities producer, storage to the company's shareholders to acquire all shares and warrants in Agromino. Trigon Agri's shares are traded on the First North stock exchange in Stockholm, an alternative market place of the OMX Nordic Exchange. Trigon Agromino A/S . Oct 19, 2020 Nasdaq Stockholm AB has approved the application and decided to delist the shares in Agromino A/S. Short name: AGRO. ISIN code:  52 Weeks %, -60,35.