Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary is the second edition of this superbly successful and highly regarded veterinary dictionary. It serves as an 


Virginia P. Studdert The new edition of Blood's classic "Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary" has been completely redesigned, revised and updated for today's 

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Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary, 3 ed., 2007. Läst 2011-12-20. ^ ”Livsmedelsverket”. Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary Veterinär Lexikon. 149 kr, 1598816780, 149, 1, Köp direkt · Spåra Och Dokumentera Det Förflutna Av Lindner  av J Lindberg · Citerat av 5 — ges en gång per dygn (Fass vet, 2008), vilket är fördelaktigt för både hästen och dess ägare.


Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary $76.25 Usually dispatched within 1 to 2 months. The new edition of Blood’s classic Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary has been completely redesigned, revised and updated for today’s veterinary team.

Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary: Studdert BSc DVM Hon DVSc, Virginia P., Gay DVM MVSc Hon DVSc FACVSc Hon D, Clive C., Blood OBE BVSc MVSc Hon LLD Hon DVSc, Douglas C.: 9780702047435: Books - Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary, 5th Edition includes the veterinary technical and scientific words and phrases you might encounter in practice. With well over 60,000 main and subentries including large animals, small animals, and exotics, presented in a user-friendly format, the fifth edition continues its legacy as the most comprehensive dictionary reference in the veterinary field.

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Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary, 5th Edition includes the veterinary technical and scientific words and phrases you might encounter in practice. With well over 60,000 main and subentries including large animals, small animals, and exotics, presented in a user-friendly format, the fifth edition continues its legacy as the most comprehensive dictionary reference in the veterinary

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No veterinary student or practitioner should be without this extensively updated new edition, written by veterinarians for veterinarians. Well over 65,000 main and Perfect for confirming definitions, researching specific topics, and checking spelling, this dictionary is an indispensable compilation of reliable and authoritative information, featuring over 1,000 new entries.

Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 32nd edition (CD-Rom available). W. A. Newman Dorland. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders/Elsevier, c2012. W 13 D68 2012  Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary. Call Number: Electronic Resource. ISBN: 9780702074639.