The Feralco Group was founded in 2000 by the acquisitions of the water treatment businesses of Alcan and Laporte in UK. Since then the company has continued its strong growth through external acquisitions and new industrial plants. Feralco Group is a part of the successful Mellby Gard Group.


FERALCO AB has 1 employees at this location and generates $286,112 in sales (USD). There are 634 companies in the FERALCO AB corporate family. D&B Hoovers provides sales leads and sales intelligence data on over 120 million companies like FERALCO AB around the world, including contacts, financials, and competitor information.

Feralco (Schweiz) AG. Feralco, 2009, Företagsuppgifter från websida Stendahl, Kjell, 2009 Valletta, Malta, 43 800 ton/år, 2008. Köthen, Tyskland, 66 800 ton/år,  Chantal Enterprises Limited: Malta Seller 2%. (3%). 38.

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MALTA. 81 rue Karatchi. Telex: NZ 3380. QATAR .

ALS-solid. Aluminiumsulfat fest 17/18 %.

Feralco-gruppen grundades år 2000 genom förvärven av vattenreningsföretagen Alcan och Laporte i Storbritannien. Sedan dess har företaget fortsatt sin starka tillväxt genom externa förvärv och nya industrianläggningar. Feralco Group är en del av den framgångsrika Mellby Gård-gruppen.

Feralco AB, 556583-5625- På hittar du kostnadsfri rating på alla Sveriges aktiebolag. Feralco AB - Org.nummer: 5565835625. Vid senaste bokslut 2019 hade företaget en omsättningsförändring på 5,6%. Fördelningen i styrelsen är 100,0 % män (2), 0,0 % kvinnor (0) .

Feralco malta

Feralco offers coagulants for treatment of industrial process water as well as waste water. Applications for Industry. Water treatment. ALS-liquid. Aluminium Sulphate liquid 46,5 % / 47,5 % / 48,5 %. ALS-solid. Aluminiumsulfat fest 17/18 %. Polyaluminium Chloride (PAC) …

We are FERALCO, a leading manufacturer of high performance water treatment and process chemicals Our product range includes both traditional inorganic coagulants and innovative products to ensure optimum treatment efficiency in many areas of application. The Feralco Group was founded in 2000 by the acquisitions of the water treatment businesses of Alcan and Laporte in UK. Since then the company has continued its strong growth through external acquisitions and new industrial plants. The Feralco Group is a leading supplier of Water Treatment Chemicals. Registered office: Widnes Company Registration Number: 04052278 VAT GB 768019409. Links: The Feralco Group is currently second European producer of performance products for water treatment and thus contributes to supply drinking water to more than 100 million people in Europe. Feralco has a full range of coagulants and flocculants for treatment of drinking water and municipal and industrial effluents, but also reagents for industrial processes like papermaking or the chemical Feralco Group is a part of the successful Mellby Gard Group.
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2.9.2 Chemtrade Logistics Major Business Table 115. Feralco Group Corporation Information Table 116. Feralco Group Description and Business Overview Table 117. Feralco Group Polyalumnium Chloride Sales (K MT), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/MT) and Gross Margin (2016-2021) Table 118.

FERALCO AB has 1 employees at this location and generates $286,112 in sales (USD). There are 634 companies in the FERALCO AB corporate family.
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Feralco offers coagulants for treatment of industrial process water as well as waste water.

FERALCO (UK) LIMITED - Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers, charges, business activity Feralco (UK) Ltd was formed in January 2001 following the acquisition by Feralco AB of the Alcan and Rockwood (formely Laporte) water treatment chemical operations. The two UK-based businesses were merged to develop Feralco's activities in the UK. Feralco Nordic Feralco är en ledande leverantör av vattenreningskemikalier med produktionsanläggningar och säljbolag i hela Europa. Tyngdpunkten ligger på fällningskemikalier såsom polyaluminiumklorid (PAC) och järnklorid med applikationer inom vattenrening i kommuner, pappers- och massaindustrin samt övrig industri. Feralco bildades 2001 genom en sammanslagning av Feralco AB | 380 followers on LinkedIn.

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MR Mauretanien MS Monsterrat MT Malta MU Mauritius MV Maldiverna MW (71) Feralco AB, Industrigatan 126, Helsingborg, SE (72) Stefan Jäfverström, 

Feralco offers coagulants for treatment of industrial process water as well as waste water. The Feralco Group was founded in 2000 by the acquisitions of the water treatment businesses of Alcan and Laporte in UK. Since then the company has continued its strong growth through external acquisitions and new industrial plants. Feralco Group is a part of the successful Mellby Gard Group.