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Bekräfta ditt nummer genom att ringa ett gratis samtal till ett lokalt nummer. एक स्थानीय नंबर के लिए एक नि: शुल्क फोन करके  Batterinivån måste vara ett positivt nummer mellan 0 till 100. बैटरी स्तर 0 के बीच एक सकारात्मक संख्या होनी चाहिए 100. If an article table contains, for example, the number of a supplier, the list box can use the 'supplier number' link to display the name of the supplier from the  Sök på namn eller translatornummer.

Machine translation technology. Nummer. Translate Examples of translating «Nummer» in context: Plats nummer sju.

HERE are many translated example sentences containing "FREI" På tyska Frei von Einfuhrabgaben( SAA, Artikel 27 (2)), laufende Nummer 09.4327.

Human translations with examples: नंबर, संख्या, क्रमांक, रोल नंबर, नियूname, রোল নম্বর, जगह जोड़ें, संख्याः (u). Translation for 'nummer' in the free Danish-English dictionary and many other English translations. number-Meaning in Hindi, what is meaning of number in Hindi dictionary, audio pronunciation, synonyms and definitions of number in Hindi and English, english dictionary,english to hindi dictionary,online english dictionary. Online free AI English to Hindi translator powered by Google, Microsoft, IBM, Naver, Yandex and Baidu.

Translate hindi nummer Online Hindi to English Translation Tool is based on Google's translating system, here you can convert Hindi to English language and also English to Hindi easily as well as quickly. This tool is made for the ease of our users specially who wants to know the meaning of Hindi words in English or translate other world's language into English.

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/ˈnʌmbə ˈनम्बअ/. Word forms: numbers, numbering, numbered. 1. countable noun. A number is a word such as 'two', 'nine', or 'twelve', or a symbol such as 1, 3, or 47, which is used in counting something. संख्या nf अंक mn. I don't know the room number.
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Hindi is the mother tongue of at least 405 million people around the world. Whereas, English is the most commonly spoken language after Mandarin, Hindi is the largest spoken language in India, especially in the Northern Indian States. Translation for 'IBAN-nummer' in the free Danish-English dictionary and many other English translations.

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Contextual translation of "can i get your number" into Hindi. Human translations with examples: aap ka number mila.

Meaning of Nummer. Find a translation for the Nummer definition in other languages: Select another  Contextual translation of "rc nummer" into English.